Tweeds First THC-Infused Ready-To-Drink Cannabis Beverage Ships to Quebec


According to Newswire, Tweed Houndstooth & Soda began shipping to Quebec on March 12, 2020.

When and where will Tweed Ready-To-Drink cans be available for purchase?
Product shipments began leaving Canopy Growth's Regional Distribution Centre on March 12, 2020. Product availability on SQDC's eCommerce platform and provincial bricks-and-mortar retail locations will vary depending on transportation timelines and retail distribution systems.

We encourage consumers to check in with their local retailers for up-to-date product availability.

The details
We've developed industry-leading beverage technology to distill cannabis flower into liquid which powers our Ready-To-Drink offerings. Each 355 mL can of Tweed Houndstooth & Soda contains 2mg of THC and <1mg CBD, combining Houndstooth Distilled Cannabis™ with soda water and other ingredients for a refreshing cannabis experience.

Find out more at

Read More at source: Newswire

Image Source: Newswire


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