First THC-Free Strain is Now Available in the US


Researchers from Spanish company Hemp Trading and Universidad Politecnica de Valencia recently developed Panakeia, the first-ever THC-free strain. The seeds are ready for distribution across the United States with the help of Tesoro Genetics and Front Range Biosciences.


Panakeia seeds are outside the category of “hot hemp,” which are cannabis strains that contain more than 0.3% THC. Hot hemp is illegal in the US. In fact, this new variety contains 0.00% THC, which means that it is totally free of the psychoactive chemical.

This is good news for farmers as current laws require them to destroy their crops should they exceed the maximum amount of THC. Moreover, producers also experience legal problems related to the concentration of cannabinoids during the extraction process.

Health Europa reported that the seeds are developed to minimize “related vulnerabilities during harvesting and later commercialization.” This means that researchers have “eliminated” legal obstacles and risks in the production and distribution chain.

The THC-Free Cannabis Strain and the rise of CBG

Aside from containing 0% THC, Panakeia has 18% cannabigerol (CBG), an emerging trend in the market. According to Hemp Trading CEO Ernesto Llosa, CBG offers better economic benefits compared to cannabidiol (CBD).

One of the 100+ cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, CBG is slated to gain momentum in the coming years. Like CBD, proponents of CBG report numerous benefits of the cannabinoid.

Source: Plants Before Pills

Image Source: Plants Before Pills


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