DailyKit Launches an Alliance with Phyto Intel to Provide Meal Kit Technology for Hemp and CBD Meal Kits


Meal Kits and cannabis, hemp, and CBD are top trending topics in the food industry.


DailyKit today announced the establishment of a strategic alliance with Miami-based Phyto Intel. The strategic alliance will enable consumers to cook at home effortlessly and obtain the health and nutritional benefits of plant-based protein combined with the benefits of hemp seeds, hemp seed oil, and CBD.

Meal kits are ready-to-cook meal solutions that include all the ingredients in the correct quantities for quick preparation by consumers. Meal Kits continue to generate media attention and are increasingly becoming a significant growth opportunity for the food and grocery industries.

DailyKit, a Chicago based open-source meal kit software company, provides a technology platform that enables restaurants, grocers and small independent stores to seamlessly establish their own meal kit program. DailyKit's technology enables a meal kit service to be established in as short as three days.

The technology for meal kits is now available to a variety of retailers nationally, to provide meal kits. These meal kits will include plant-based protein and hemp seeds, hemp seed oil and/or CBD to health-conscious consumers nationally.

Rishi Singhal, the founder of DailyKit in announcing the collaboration with Phyto Intel stated, 'This relationship with Phyto Intel will enable retailers to utilize DailyKit's technology platform to provide plant-based meal kits with hemp seeds, hemp seed oil and/or CBD. We're confident that this technology and the meal kits themselves will generate enthusiasm from both retailers and consumers.'

Mr. Singhal who previously managed a meal kit brand in India also indicated, 'In India, there is a special night dedicated to Shiva, one of the major Hindu deities. On this night, it's customary to consume the cannabis-based beverage, bhang, as an offering to Shiva. What motivated me to design the software for our proprietary technology platform were the numerous requests by retailers in the United States for meal kits with different ingredients, including cannabis. They were typically stymied \due to the lack of knowledge, as well as legal and regulatory compliance and procurement issues. While I wasn't able to offer these meal kits in India, our collaboration with Phyto Intel will now enable DailyKit to bring the technology platform for these meal kits with these important ingredients to American consumers.'

Michael King-Sadick, CEO of Phyto Intel also commented, 'With the interest by consumer packaged goods (CPG) food and beverage companies in products that include hemp seeds, hemp seed oil, and CBD, we see the potential for meal kits with cannabis ingredients becoming a major food category.'

Jeffrey Friedland, a vice president of Phyto Intel, who has an extensive background in the cannabis industry globally, in commenting on the strategic alliance stated, 'At Phyto Intel, we've been at the forefront of the cannabis, hemp and CBD industries.'

Detailed information regarding DailyKit's technology for meal kits can be requested at https://www.phytointel.com/contact.

About Daily Kit

DailyKit, a Chicago based open-source meal kit software and technology company enables restaurants, grocers and small independent stores to seamlessly establish their own meal kit programs.

The Company's software suite, consisting of recipe management, production solutions, sales, and marketing programs, and delivery integrations provide everything a restaurant needs to enter the fast meal kit industry.

DailyKit's website is https://www.dailykit.org/.

About Phyto Intel

Phyto Intel provides strategic assistance to enable businesses and entrepreneurs to enter and succeed in the fast-growing and fast-evolving legal cannabis, hemp and CBD markets in the United States and globally.

Phyto Intel's website is https://www.phytointel.com/

Source: MENAFN

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