In 2013, Southern Distilling Company was established and soon became one of the largest and most advanced craft distilleries in the nation, setting a new standard and leading the revitalization of whiskey distillation in the region. The company mission is to provide the highest quality contract and branded distilled spirits available to both the local region and customers worldwide who desire a sense of truth and place in the drinks they enjoy. With the explosive growth in American whiskeys, there is no greater example of segment opportunity than with premium and super-premium craft made spirits. In addition to manufacturing Southern Distilling Company’s in-house Southern Star, Celebrated Hunting Creek, and Old Private Stock brands, we are pleased to offer contract services to other domestic and foreign brand owners, distilleries and retailers. We are a grain-to-glass, certified craft distiller. Boasting state-of-the-art equipment and an expert staff, we provide all our contract clients with the highest levels of quality control while allowing for maximum flexibility. You define the product and mash bill and are invited to participate in the entire process, thus making a product that is authentically your own. We have production capacity available immediately and offer a full suite of services beyond production, including long term barrel storage, co-packing, product development and more.
United States
+1 704 978 7175
S. Vienna Barger
+1 704 978 7175
The American Soju, made from proprietary blend of white wine grapes that pack a flavorful punch.
Co-packing and private label of CBD and other beverages -- coffee, tea, and sparkling.
SI manufactures Caliper SC, a proprietary suite of clean-label, shelf-stable formulations of water-soluble hemp-derived cannabinoids.